Minggu, 20 Desember 2009


APA SIH patients is effective?
Effective patient is a patient who knows
what to do for yourself and
illness. There are 10 tips that should
known about the patient effectively.
1. When will recommend to the doctor?
Not every time not feeling very well need to
doctor. He's not the only solution
deal with the disease. Besides almost half
large daily complaints subsided without medication.
We can learn to experience
earlier about our condition. No
fault if we ever become a doctor
personal. Practical, ekomomis and free again!
2. Drugs Not Guarantee Health
Yup, man-made drug. Mentioned in
Book Tanwirul Qulub, makruh legal
forcing someone to take medication. But
we must wisely addressing the complaints against
our bodies and not at random.
3. Nagging To Doctor
So that the doctor writes a prescription not generous, patient
critical need not fear the snaps.
Questions patients actually ngebantu
shorter let doctors write prescriptions and
carefully selecting the drug. With familiar
asked, we are the side effects and
usage rules.
4. Price Not Quality Assurance
Not forever Kualita drug is given by
prices. The important drug match
our conditions (pocket or body). Many
expensive drugs that consuming but the results
zero. In contrast with the cheap,
illness can recover. Just do not buy drugs
5. Do not Want to Switch Drugs
There are dozens of brands of the drug with
same. If the pharmacy does not provide drug
we're looking for, do not want ditukari drug
replacement. Udah prescription through
consideration. Moreover, if only
commercial considerations alone.
6. Know Which Drugs Purchased
Do not get used to buy medicines in the shop -
shop, worried that the seller is less understood
about drugs. Get used to buy at the drugstore.
More guaranteed quality.
7. The medicine is poison
Do not joke with the drug. There are adage
"The medicine is poison". To be sure each drug
bring side effects. So, do not let
only side effects we get.
While not cured the disease.
8. Exact treatment needs
Drugs do not need dihabisin. There was relief medication
complaints, there is made ngilangin disease.
Medication should be discontinued if
complaints disappeared. Remember, our stomach is not
pharmacies should always be filled with drugs.
9. Following illness, Call Doctor
Doctors are also human beings. Because it could be
wrong in diagnosing and providing
recipes. We must know, that the drug
same biological responses differ in
10. We Do not Need Many Sick
Are not we more often caused pain
we ourselves who do not know or do not
used to live healthy. We must be
balance between the need for physical
and spiritual. Do not be biased.
Both have rights
must be met.

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